Thursday, January 9, 2014

Keruh ke jernih Cloudy water to crystal clear

For my aquaponic system I used 2 small water pumps. One for filtering and the other one to create mini water fall to aerate the water. Once, one of the pumps failed. I didn't replace it for about a week. With only one pump, I opted to aerate the water without running it through the filter aka growing container. The pond turned cloudy. Within two days or so after replacing the faulty pump and running the water through the filter,  the pond came back to normal. Clear water.

Satu pam rosak. Terpaksa buat pilihan dengan utamakan nyawa ikan. Oksigenkan air tanpa ditapis. Selepas seminggu air kolam sangat keruh. Bila dapat pam baru, kolam mini beroperasi seperti sedia kala. Air jernih semula selepas dua hari.

1 comment:

  1. Filter got 2 in 1 : Good natural filter + vegetable growing container.
    Nice & affordable system to adopt...


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